The design of the Continuum of Care facility and Duke-Nelson Chapel at Baptist Home of Ashland was the last phase of a project in the works since 2014.
The new 12,826 sq. ft. fire station 3 on Rock Hill Road in Jefferson City is a 1 story, 3-1/2-bay building with two storage mezzanines in the apparatus bay.
The Sedalia Fire Station provides new modern apparatus, physical and classroom training activities, and an administrative headquarters.
This 12,000 SF Parkade Baptist Church Addition includes a new elevator, Narthex, greeting space, six classrooms and restrooms on the main level.
In 2007 the Holts Summit Fire Protection District enlisted PWA to develop an addition and renovate the existing 3,800 SF structure completed in 1990.
The Residence on the Francis Quadrangle renovation at the University of Missouri–Columbia, included a new elevator tower to match the existing building.